Job advice

Company life

Working with your dog: pros and cons

A few days a week, Violaine Boucher arrives at work with Rocky, her two-year-old labradoodle. She is not alone in doing this: over 15 Moment Factory employees bring their dogs to work on a regular basis. An overview of this new trend within companies. Its many benefits According to a US scientific study published in […]

Oddly enough

Teamwork : What chickens have taught us!

Select the best candidates, put them together and you have a super teamwork! True? Perhaps, but the equation is not that simple, especially if one looks at the recent results of a study on the issue, one that included chickens. Focusing on the notion of productivity, William Muir, a scientist at Purdue University in the […]

Company life

Vacations : Time to relax and unplug from work

For some managers, vacations time can bring unwanted stress and be hard to plan. Let’s see how we can address this.  Extended vacations Too many managers only take a week off at a time because they fear taking three weeks or more in a row. While the “zero cell phone/portable computer” message is quite acceptable […]

Jobs search

Why deal with placement agencies

Why do job hunters turn to placement agencies? Here are the advantages and disadvantages. In 2012, according to a study from the Commission des normes du travail (CNT), 46% of temporary placement agency workers had no choice but to use them to apply to jobs that interested them. What you need to know before passing through an […]

Oddly enough

Competition on part-time jobs

With an unemployment rate reaching 20%, students between 15 and 18 years of age are now competing with older Canadian workers who are more and more deciding to accept part time work. The report published by CIBC World Markets explains that this trend is mainly due to a deterioration in job quality and a declining […]

Pay and benefits

Salary negotiations: when it pays off to be outrageous

Those who dare abandon their self-consciousness or affected shyness when comes the time for salary negotiations and ask for the sky may be richly rewarded. Read on. This tip—or rather this revelation—comes from the results of a study published in July 2011 in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Conducted by Todd J. Thorsteinson of […]

Company life

My boss is picking on me, what do I do…?

Before answering this you need to find out why.  By considering the possibilities (and Lord knows there could be many) we will be in a better position to thoroughly address the situation. Let’s look at the different possibilities and “counter-attack” options: 1 – My boss fears me: Recognize that a defensive aggressive reaction is the […]

Company life

Integrate your new employer

 Well there you go, you have signed your contract and you will integrate your new employer with new responsibilities and a new team on Monday morning: meeting 8.30am. Although you have been selected from among numerous candidates and you have shown good qualities in the interview, remember that the game doesn’t end there…on the contrary.  […]

Company life

Are you prone to procrastination?

Almost nobody can escape it. At one moment or another, whether working at the office or in our personal business, we all succumb to the temptation of putting things off until tomorrow, but how can we resist it? Right before Christmas, while surfing on the Internet looking for gift ideas, I came across an article […]

Career management

Mothers of young children dream of working part time

Balancing work-life can be difficult for parents of  young children, indeed, in the U.S 62% of mothers dream of working part time. Women today account for close to half the labour force in the U.S., vs. 38% in 1970. Most Americans (75%) reject the idea that women should return to a more traditional role, and the […]

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